Kite Foil Rental an Equipment

Renting kite foil equipment while your are in vacation to CABARETE should  be a good option.

Actually airlines are sometimes quite expensive when it time to travel with  unconventional oversized equipment.

In addition you will also need a large transport bag if possible with wheels to take all your kite foil equipment with you.

You will also save on the purchase of this travel bag.

Renting Its Getting The Choice !

One of the other advantages you have with renting is being able to choose.

When you are renting you can change the size of your kitesurfing wing or of course the model or size of your kitefoil.

When the conditions change it can be interesting to choose another gear which which is going to fit  better to the daily conditions.

What Do I Do If I Don’t Have Certification ?

If you are unable to show a proof of your sufficient level in kite foil, we will ask you to take an hour of supervision , so that you can demonstrate your skills.

If you are unable to show a proof of your sufficient level in kite foil, we will ask you to take an hour of supervision , so that you can demonstrate your skills.

If you are unable to show a proof of your sufficient level in kite foil

we will ask you to take an hour of supervision ,

so that you can demonstrate your skills.

If you are unable to show a proof of your sufficient level in kite foil, we will ask you to take an hour of supervision , so that you can demonstrate your skills.

Kite Rental Rules

We reserve the right to refuse renting out kite gear if your level is not appropriate or if the weather conditions do not allow for kiteboarding.

A deposit is required, in case of loss, breakage or theft of (parts of) the gear. You are responsible for the rented kite gear entrusted. If you bring it back ripped or broken, the amount for the necessary repairs will be deducted from your deposit. If (parts of) the kite gear is (are) stolen, you need to replace the missing items.

Trying Wing Foil To Cabarete

When you have the level to rent kite foil equipment you should consider taking wing foil lessons and adding a sport to your knowledge.

The mastery you have already acquired during your training will allow you to quickly grasp this new sport that everyone loves, WING FOIL.